Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014

Religion says Do - Jesus says DONE!

Religion wants to see your report card,
but Jesus wants to see your heart.

Jarrid Wilson

JESUS = Relationship - not Religion:
- Religion says "Do!" - Jesus says "Done!"
- Religion sets rules - Jesus sets Free 

- Religion makes you blind - but Jesus lets you See
- Jesus Saves People - Religion does not save!

You don't need to do anything for a personal relationship with Jesus.
He is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14,6)
He is the door to heaven. (John 14,10)
Knock on His door and He will open! (Matthew 7,8 - Luke 11,10)

My goal is God Himself,
not joy nor peace,
Nor even blessing,
but Himself, my God.

Oswald Chambers

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