Dienstag, 28. Januar 2014

Meine Kraft: Stark werden im Herrn

Wohl den Menschen, die dich für ihre Stärke halten
und von Herzen dir nachwandeln!

Psalm 84,6

Werdet stark im Herrn und in der Macht seiner Stärke!
Epheser 6,10


Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014

Availability: How to get involved with Jesus

God doesn't look at your outward appearance,
but at your inward availability.
He proofs the heart. He knows every of your thoughts.

Take heart with Jesus! Stand up and get involved – in Jesus name!

Set your eyes on Jesus Christ and don't look behind you. Keep on looking at Jesus and keep on keeping on!
Everytime you fall, get up and stand up in the power of Jesus.

Do all the good you can
in all the ways you can
at all the times you can
to all the people you can
as long as ever you can.

John Wesley
Once again and very important: It's not about what you are doing, it's all about your relationship to Jesus.
Out of this relationship He will make you keep doing if you are available!
Don't ever think it's the other way round!
You don't need to do anything for a personal Relationship with Jesus.
Relationship - not Religion:
- Religion says "Do!", Jesus says "Done!"
- Religion sets Rules, Jesus sets Free 
- Jesus Saves, Religion does not!

Just knock on His door and He will open...
Jesus is waiting for you - trust Him and what He has done for you!

Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

Identity: The Purpose of Man's Free Will

"Free will, though it makes evil possible,
is also the only thing that makes possible
any love or goodness or joy worth having."

From: A Year with C. S. Lewis

Without a free will mankind would be puppets on a string played by the creator of the universe. But we are not puppets or employees - we are beloved children of the heavenly Father. That is our identity!

And that's why we do not have to try harder, do more and tempt to beeing good enough for Him. God still loves you even you screwed up.

It is all about grace - not about your performance in life.
It is about Jesus' performance for you.
It is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus alone.

Jesus does not want what you do, He just wants you!
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Door to heaven - the only way to the heavenly Father.

What do you put your faith in?
What drives you?
What is your attitude towards God and Jesus?
What is your identity?


Freitag, 10. Januar 2014

Who is following whom?

Kurze Zwischenmeldung vom schönsten Ende der Welt zur Halbzeit:

Many people think they are FOLLOWING JESUS,
but the reality is,

Mark Batterson

It's about desiring the gifts over the giver.
We pursue the benefits of a relationship rather than the essence of of that relationship.
Rather than God being God we turn ourselves into God and make Him our prostitute.

C.S. Lewis: "Put first things first and we get second things thrown in. Put second things first and we lose both first and second things."

God wants us to put Him first!
If you put God first you can enjoy his gifts in an meaningful way.

In Jesus God actually gives us Himself. The creator of the universe is all ours. 

This is the only thing that can never be taken from us: My identity as a child of God can never be taken!

Do you elevate the gifts above the giver?
Or do you pursue the essence - intimicy of that relationship with God - rather than the benefits e.g. the blessings?

Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

Blessings 2014: Gott nahe zu sein, ist mein Glück

„Gott nahe zu sein, ist mein Glück“
aus dem Psalm 73,28 lautet die "Jahreslosung" für das Jahr 2014.
 Der himmlische Vater wartet auf Dich - jeden Tag!

Alles Gute und bis neulich!

Blessings - Sei gesegnet!!!

Sonnige Grüße vom schönsten Ende der Welt!